Projects Supported

Since its reorganization in 2002, Norway House Foundation has granted numerous fellowships to Norwegian graduate students, made grants for Norwegian cultural activities and for educational seminars focusing on Norwegian–American educational and scientific projects.

Norwegian Seamen’s Church in San Francisco

The Norway House Foundation supports the many cultural, educational, and social programs put on by the church. People new to the Bay Area and people who have lived here for many decades attend these events. Kudos to the staff and many volunteers

Networking Events

The Norway House Foundation organizes three networking events annually for students and business professionals to get together and exchange ideas. In November 2024, the event occurred at the Norwegian Club in San Francisco with a presentation from Morten Hansen - The Race to the South Pole - Lessons in Leadership.

For information about the next event, contact

The Nordic Spirit Symposium 2025: ”Before the Vikings: The Magnificent Nordic Bronze Age”

The Nordic Spirit Symposium is an annual program of the Scandinavian American Cultural & Historical Foundation held in February of each year on the campus of California Lutheran University in Thousand Oaks, California. It is intended to reach a broad audience from the southwestern United States.

BABF - author Ellen Stokken Dahl (center).jpg

Bay Area Book Festival

Norway House Foundation has provided significant support for the Bay Area Book Festival since its inception in 2015. Through this support, we have been able to introduce more than a dozen authors to audiences across the Bay Area, averaging three to four authors per year.