Grant Programs

Since 2002, Norway House Foundation has sponsored charitable and education programs between Norway and the United States according to the decisions made by the Board of Directors.

The charitable purpose of Norway House Foundation focuses on the Greater San Francisco Bay Area, supporting professional exchange between Norway and Northern California; Norwegian cultural activities in Northern California and cultural exchange programs between Northern California and Norway; programs providing social services for Norwegian nationals or Norwegian-Americans; and programs specifically serving Norwegian seamen or descendants of Norwegian seamen.

To support its mission, Norway House Foundation is offering two grant programs: NHF Gradute Fellowships and NHF Cultural, Charitable, and Professional Grants.

NHF Graduate Fellowships

Grant Size and Purpose

Awards will be made in the range of $10,000-$15,000 per Fellow which may be used for tuition, room and board, books, and travel expenses. Awards may be renewable, depending upon the candidate’s academic progress, program requirements and performance.

Application Process

Norway House Foundation Graduate Fellowships are administered through the American Scandinavian Foundation and the Norway-American Association. Applicants must follow their application process. The American Scandinavian Foundation is responsible for disbursing funds to the selected candidate and providing an annual report to the Norway House Foundation on the student’s progress.

NHF Cultural, Charitable, and Professional Grants

Grant Purpose

The Norway House Foundation supports cultural, charitable and professional development programs that further its mission in the following areas:

  • Norwegian cultural and artistic activities in Northern California and cultural exchange programs between Northern California and Norway

  • Programs specifically serving Norwegian seamen or descendants of Norwegian seamen in Northern California

  • Professional exchange between Norway and Northern California

  • Programs providing needed social services for Norwegian nationals or Norwegian-Americans in Northern California

The Charitable Purpose of Norway House Foundation

Article Three of the Restated Articles of Incorporation expressly stated the charitable purpose of the Foundation as follows:

(a) This corporation is a nonprofit public benefit corporation and is not organized for the private gain of any person. It is organized under the Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation Law for public and charitable purposes.

(b) This corporation, which was founded in 1942 to provide temporary housing, meals, and cultural activities for Norwegian merchant officers and seamen sojourning in San Francisco or elsewhere in California, now states that its specific purpose is to honor the Norwegian seafarers who risked their lives for the Allied cause in World War II and for whom this corporation was originally established by sponsoring charitable and educational programs between Norway and the United States.

(c) This corporation is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 or the corresponding provision of any future United States internal revenue law…”      

Professional and Cultural Guidelines

In order to carry out the mandate expressed in the Restated Articles of Incorporation, Charitable, Professional and Cultural Grant Guidelines were developed to further NHF’s mission. The Board of Directors decided that the Grants would primarily be distributed to events in Northern California, and the following is a synopsis of the Guidelines:

  • Professional exchange between Norway and Northern California;

  • Norwegian cultural activities in Northern California and cultural exchange programs between Northern California and Norway;

  • Programs providing social services for Norwegian nationals or Norwegian-Americans; and,

  • Programs specifically serving Norwegian seamen or descendants of Norwegian seamen.

Eligibility Guidelines

The Eligibility section of the Guidelines sets forth that:

  • NHF focuses on funding within the Greater San Francisco Bay Area. Grants are restricted to organizations with 501(c)(3) federal charitable tax status or foreign equivalent legal status. Grants will not be made to ad hoc groups or through fiscal agents. Collaborations will be funded through the identification of a lead agency which will take responsibility for grant administration and accountability of sub-grantees.

  • Grants may be for funding of operation of ongoing programs, new programs, one-time demonstration programs, or expansion/enhancement of existing programs. Norway House Foundation does not make grants to individuals, for capital or endowment, for debt reduction, for sectarian religious activities, or for lobbying activities as defined by the Internal Revenue Service.

Grant Range

The Grant Range section of the Guidelines sets forth that:

  • Because of its limited funds, grant size is generally between $2,000 and $15,000. A limited number of multi-year grants will be considered, with the establishment of appropriate milestones and progress payments.